Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So this year, in the great state of Minnesota, the mosquitos hatched and began attacking in our area/yard a about 3-4 weeks back. I had been procrastinating setting up the 'holy grail' of mosquito control, the Mosquito Magnet (I had it in the garage storage and knew I had to get some replacement parts as well as propane). Well it didn't take me long after those 'squitios hatching that I made a run to the local home improvement store and my nearest propane exchange location!

I got a few propane tanks exchanged and got some new Mosquito Magnet attractant packs. Along with clearing the propane line per the suggested maintenance tasks, I cleaned out the filter. I set this bad-boy up in the backyard (same place as last year) about 15 feet away from our deck. After about a week I figured I would check out the net/catch cap. HERE IS WHAT I FOUND:

Yep, about a few thousand of 'em! I was so amazed (and disgusted) I just had to blog about it. Needless to say the mosquito problem is nearly noticeable. All I need to do now is check things out, make sure the tank is full and keep emptying the net! If you're unfamiliar with the Mosquito Magnet, click here to see how it works!

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